Specializing in brand-building & and opportunity-generating campaigns at the lowest cost per result. Some things we can achieve together are below.
- Create content to use for ads
- Social media audit/plan
- Setup brand-building campaigns
- Setup fan-building campaigns
- Find your most effective path to growing a larger fan base
- Fine most efficient sales channel for services such as wedding band leads

Pay-per-click campaign types are effective for services or products with good margins. For example, if you are a wedding band looking to book more shows, Google PPC is an incredible sales channel to get profitable results since we can target people the moment they have intent to buy.
Google AdWords is a great tool for reaching your target audience under a pre-roll video campaign type. Music videos serve as great content to drive new listeners/fans to streaming services.
Setting up an efficient campagin structure within the Facebook ad manager with 3-5 rotating options for creative is the best way to reach the most new music listeners for the lowest cost. Can be optimised to grow fans on Instagram or streaming services.